Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Save me...

Ok it is 9:17 a.m. and I have made ham and eggs with Matt. Roasting a turkey. Cleaned out the fridge and I am ready to go to bed. My dreams are more exciting.... Damn snow. I tried to take pictures but they come out all white. What is this a BLIZZARD again? Well, huh yup.
There is nothing left to clean. I think I will do my taxes.
Please help me....
Have a good stimulating one,


baresheep said...

I just fed my fish for five minutes on the side bar... I will start on the taxes....

baresheep said...

my numbers don't quite add up but they are good enough for me.... As the Cheif of staff said... it will be good enough for the "F#$%ing retards" at the IRS. Yes Robin I know I made you gasp but my head hurts.

Momma said...

What do those symbols mean? ;) I'm glad that it is done for you. Gary wants me to start ours, but I don't wanna...